I think this project have been interesting. I like working with different kinds of cases, it seems more likely that we'll have to use all the stuff we've learned in real-life scenarios. I think this subject we've been working with was fun, I love food and everything related to it so this suited me just perfectly. I think this made me realize even more, how our enviroment are effected by our actions. The transport of the banans ain't something I'm think about daily. It's something we take for granted. We expect the bananas to be selled at the grocery store, we do not think about how it got there and its consequences. I don't, however. According to my point of views, I think this have made me realize that there are other people involved in my buying of a banan, for example. Peoples time, money and effections on the enviroment are also included if I may decide to make myself a smoothie as a snack. I decided to take a look at the fruits I had at home after we got intorduced to Case no. 2. What I saw in the bowl was a pineapple, a melon, and bananas, and they were all produced in Costa Rica. It might be pretty obvious, since it's the most perfectly place to grow exotic fruits like banans, melons and pineapples but it's still something you're not think about every time you decide to get some banans. That's what I think, and I'm propably not totally wrong. This whole thing have made me think again, some things I've been working with, I've known during many years but it's still not something I think about all the time. Why we eat this or that food in that country, for exemple. I've known that there are a lot of rice fields in China since they've got the enviroment that suits the growing of the rice but I kind of take it for granted. You automatically think about Asia when you see food like sushi or wok but you don't think about exactly why it's produced there, do you? In the first case, I compared the Russian food culture with the American and I found some pretty fascinating infromation. The Russians eats a lot of root vegetables and bread, food that keeps you stuffed during longer periods. When it's cold outside or when the religious ones are fasting. The Americans on the other hand are famous for their unhealthy food eating and it's not because their climate is cold. I also got to think that bigger countries like USA and Russias traditional food depends on where you're located. The climate are varied depending on where you are and thats why the traditional food is varied as well. I didn't think about that when I made up my mind and decided to work with those two countries. It made it a little more trickier to decide what the most common dish was but I think I solved it fair enough. I found all of the cases fun to work with but I could have lived without so much assignments in the other subjects. Especially all of the assignments with got during our Swedish class. I fancied the fourth and very last case as well. It was fun pretending to be an entrepeneur for once. I'd absolutely like to have more projects like this, maybe not about the subject food but with the same way of working. I thought the lections we got was interesting, I learned a whole bunch of words I wasn't familiar with and the meaning of it. It was fun and even though it didn't get so much new information about it, it really opened my eyes and I thought a little further than I'm used to.
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