I asked my penpal Kimi if she wanted to do an interview with me and luckily she said yes! She's from Los Angeles, CA and I really do appreciate that she made an effort to answer all of my questions. I thought it would be so much fun to get to know more about her foodculture, thoughts about recycling and other stuff related to this subject. Thanks a lot Kimi! I'd do the same for you if you asked me.
What's your favorite food?
- Shrimp Tempura Roll (Sushi)
Do you have any certain days when you eat this or that food?
- At school, I will usually buy pizza or sandwiches from the cafeteria. My dinners at home during the week are quick because we have to get back to work. We might have chicken (that has been marinating all day) and rice or something already prepared from earlier (leftovers from the day before). On Fridays, we will somtimes have pizza as a celebration of the end of the week ( and because my mom doesn't want to cook).
What would you say is the most American-ish food?
- Hot Dogs and Cheeseburgers.
What's typical everyday food in your family?
- We will usually have salad everyday with dinner.
What do you eat on special occasions, like your birthday or something?
- On birthdays, we will the special request of that person so, if it's my birthday and I want sushi, that's what we will have. On other special occasions, my mom might make an arry of different foods for guests or we might just go out to a nice restaurant.
What do you dislike the most, something you can't stand?
- I really hate olives and mushrooms.
What would you say is typical Swedish food?
- Meetballs and lingonberry sauce.
What do you miss the most about the Swedish foodculture?
- I really miss that all of meals were homemade and that when it was warm outside, we all went outside to eat together. It was quite different from American culture because the Swedes actually took the time to sit down together and have a family meal.
Which holiday has got the most delicious food to offer?
- Thanksgiving! That's the holiday where my family makes the most food. I really love stuffing, ham, and cranberry sauce the most.
Do you cook your own food from time to time?
- Yes, I do cook my own food sometimes. The days that my mom is at work late, I might make some pasta or heat up some chicken for my brother and I. I just make meals for fun, like one time I made wonton soup from scratch. It tasted so good! I also make desserts like apple pie, a lot for the family.
How often do you and your family visit the grocery store?
- We try to do our main grocery shopping during the weekend like Saturday and Sunday. My mom is just getting into clipping coupons again so she will usually shop on Sundays after she clips the coupons from the Sunday paper.
Do you visit the supermarket reguarly?
- Yes we do. We do our main on the weekends but we still visit the supermarket for small trips to pick up a few things.
Do you recycle?
- Yes we do recycle cans and bottles. We collect them for a while and then we take them down to the recycling place where we get $0.05 (5 cents) for a can/bottle. My brother gets the money for it because he is the one who actually goes down to recycle them.
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